lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

(4) My favorite movie

I still don't have a favorite movie. Someday I will dedicate my days to find it, but not today nor tomorrow ..
But, I remember some movies that when I finished them I felt really amazed, although I haven't seen them after that, so I couldn't called those "my favorites". One of them is "Mary is happy, Mary is happy", a thai movie from 2013 that I saw in Valdivia's cinema festival. It was about two friends in school, where the most attractive thing was that this story was constructed around several tweets from a real girl, that the director takes and interprets.
It's a movie that gets to mix reality with consciousness, somethhing like a virtual experience. I liked this tangled way of narrative and the dispersed protagonists,  with their constant thoughts that created a feeling of emptiness too.

Now I can't find it with english or spanish subtitles (only on thai ones), so if anyone knows where I could find it I'd love him/her forever <3

And the most recent movie I saw was Akira, an animated movie that I recommend, because it has an interesting draw, it has a good argument, which involves political and religious or philosophical topics and it has a lot of action so it's really entertaining too. (And it's like Evangelion).

4 comentarios:

  1. A good idea to find movies is with Torrents or just download the subs apart (never fail me). Anyways, if you're looking for another good movie try with 'Castaway in the moon'. Is a very good Koream film.

  2. OMG! I didn't think that someone also knew this movie: "Mary is happy, Mary is happy" . A friend told me, but I haven't seen the movie yet because it doesn't have descent subtitles. I understand your sorrow T-T


  3. Akira sounds really interesting for the issues that you name as political and religious or philosophical issues :)

  4. oooh its so frustrated when you can´t find a version with subtitles. And worse, don´t find the movie at all!! a few times I want to see a movie but I can´t find it anywhere.


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